Namespace: Tint

Phaser.GameObjects.Components. Tint

Provides methods used for setting the tint of a Game Object. Should be applied as a mixin and not used directly.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/gameobjects/components/Tint.js (Line 7)


<readonly> isTinted :boolean

Does this Game Object have a tint applied?

It checks to see if the 4 tint properties are set to the value 0xffffff and that the tintFill property is false. This indicates that a Game Object isn't tinted.

  • boolean
Since: 3.11.0
Source: src/gameobjects/components/Tint.js (Line 200)

tint :number

The tint value being applied to the whole of the Game Object. This property is a setter-only. Use the properties tintTopLeft etc to read the current tint value.

  • number
Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/gameobjects/components/Tint.js (Line 183)

tintBottomLeft :number

The tint value being applied to the bottom-left vertice of the Game Object. This value is interpolated from the corner to the center of the Game Object. The value should be set as a hex number, i.e. 0xff0000 for red, or 0xff00ff for purple.

  • number
Since: 3.0.0
Default Value:
  • 0xffffff
Source: src/gameobjects/components/Tint.js (Line 42)

tintBottomRight :number

The tint value being applied to the bottom-right vertice of the Game Object. This value is interpolated from the corner to the center of the Game Object. The value should be set as a hex number, i.e. 0xff0000 for red, or 0xff00ff for purple.

  • number
Since: 3.0.0
Default Value:
  • 0xffffff
Source: src/gameobjects/components/Tint.js (Line 54)

tintFill :boolean

The tint fill mode.

false = An additive tint (the default), where vertices colors are blended with the texture. true = A fill tint, where the vertices colors replace the texture, but respects texture alpha.

  • boolean
Since: 3.11.0
Default Value:
  • false
Source: src/gameobjects/components/Tint.js (Line 66)

tintTopLeft :number

The tint value being applied to the top-left vertice of the Game Object. This value is interpolated from the corner to the center of the Game Object. The value should be set as a hex number, i.e. 0xff0000 for red, or 0xff00ff for purple.

  • number
Since: 3.0.0
Default Value:
  • 0xffffff
Source: src/gameobjects/components/Tint.js (Line 18)

tintTopRight :number

The tint value being applied to the top-right vertice of the Game Object. This value is interpolated from the corner to the center of the Game Object. The value should be set as a hex number, i.e. 0xff0000 for red, or 0xff00ff for purple.

  • number
Since: 3.0.0
Default Value:
  • 0xffffff
Source: src/gameobjects/components/Tint.js (Line 30)



Clears all tint values associated with this Game Object.

Immediately sets the color values back to 0xffffff and the tint type to 'additive', which results in no visible change to the texture.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/gameobjects/components/Tint.js (Line 79)

This Game Object instance.


setTint( [topLeft] [, topRight] [, bottomLeft] [, bottomRight])

Sets an additive tint on this Game Object.

The tint works by taking the pixel color values from the Game Objects texture, and then multiplying it by the color value of the tint. You can provide either one color value, in which case the whole Game Object will be tinted in that color. Or you can provide a color per corner. The colors are blended together across the extent of the Game Object.

To modify the tint color once set, either call this method again with new values or use the tint property to set all colors at once. Or, use the properties tintTopLeft, tintTopRight, tintBottomLeftandtintBottomRight` to set the corner color values independently.

To remove a tint call clearTint.

To swap this from being an additive tint to a fill based tint set the property tintFill to true.

Name Type Argument Default Description
topLeft number <optional>

The tint being applied to the top-left of the Game Object. If no other values are given this value is applied evenly, tinting the whole Game Object.

topRight number <optional>

The tint being applied to the top-right of the Game Object.

bottomLeft number <optional>

The tint being applied to the bottom-left of the Game Object.

bottomRight number <optional>

The tint being applied to the bottom-right of the Game Object.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/gameobjects/components/Tint.js (Line 98)

This Game Object instance.


setTintFill( [topLeft] [, topRight] [, bottomLeft] [, bottomRight])

Sets a fill-based tint on this Game Object.

Unlike an additive tint, a fill-tint literally replaces the pixel colors from the texture with those in the tint. You can use this for effects such as making a player flash 'white' if hit by something. You can provide either one color value, in which case the whole Game Object will be rendered in that color. Or you can provide a color per corner. The colors are blended together across the extent of the Game Object.

To modify the tint color once set, either call this method again with new values or use the tint property to set all colors at once. Or, use the properties tintTopLeft, tintTopRight, tintBottomLeftandtintBottomRight` to set the corner color values independently.

To remove a tint call clearTint.

To swap this from being a fill-tint to an additive tint set the property tintFill to false.

Name Type Argument Default Description
topLeft number <optional>

The tint being applied to the top-left of the Game Object. If not other values are given this value is applied evenly, tinting the whole Game Object.

topRight number <optional>

The tint being applied to the top-right of the Game Object.

bottomLeft number <optional>

The tint being applied to the bottom-left of the Game Object.

bottomRight number <optional>

The tint being applied to the bottom-right of the Game Object.

Since: 3.11.0
Source: src/gameobjects/components/Tint.js (Line 146)

This Game Object instance.
