Class: Size

Phaser.Structs. Size

The Size component allows you to set width and height properties and define the relationship between them.

The component can automatically maintain the aspect ratios between the two values, and clamp them to a defined min-max range. You can also control the dominant axis. When dimensions are given to the Size component that would cause it to exceed its min-max range, the dimensions are adjusted based on the dominant axis.

new Size( [width] [, height] [, aspectMode] [, parent])

Name Type Argument Default Description
width number <optional>

The width of the Size component.

height number <optional>

The height of the Size component. If not given, it will use the width.

aspectMode number <optional>

The aspect mode of the Size component. Defaults to 0, no mode.

parent any <optional>

The parent of this Size component. Can be any object with public width and height properties. Dimensions are clamped to keep them within the parent bounds where possible.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 12)


<static, constant> ENVELOP :number

The width and height are automatically adjusted to make the size cover the entire target area while keeping the aspect ratio. This may extend further out than the target size.

  • number
Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 762)

<static, constant> FIT :number

The width and height are automatically adjusted to fit inside the given target area, while keeping the aspect ratio. Depending on the aspect ratio there may be some space inside the area which is not covered.

  • number
Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 752)

<static, constant> HEIGHT_CONTROLS_WIDTH :number

The width is automatically adjusted based on the height.

  • number
Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 742)

<static, constant> NONE :number

Do not make the size fit the aspect ratio. Change the ratio when the size changes.

  • number
Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 722)

<static, constant> WIDTH_CONTROLS_HEIGHT :number

The height is automatically adjusted based on the width.

  • number
Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 732)

<readonly> aspectMode :number

The aspect mode this Size component will use when calculating its dimensions. This property is read-only. To change it use the setAspectMode method.

  • number
Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 71)

<readonly> aspectRatio :number

The proportional relationship between the width and height.

This property is read-only and is updated automatically when either the width or height properties are changed, depending on the aspect mode.

  • number
Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 82)

height :number

The height of this Size component.

This value is clamped to the range specified by minHeight and maxHeight, if enabled.

A height can never be less than zero.

Changing this value will automatically update the width if the aspect ratio lock is enabled. You can also use the setHeight and getHeight methods.

  • number
Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 692)

<readonly> maxHeight :number

The maximum allowed height. This value is read-only. To change it see the setMax method.

  • number
Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 130)

<readonly> maxWidth :number

The maximum allowed width. This value is read-only. To change it see the setMax method.

  • number
Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 119)

<readonly> minHeight :number

The minimum allowed height. Cannot be less than zero. This value is read-only. To change it see the setMin method.

  • number
Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 107)

<readonly> minWidth :number

The minimum allowed width. Cannot be less than zero. This value is read-only. To change it see the setMin method.

  • number
Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 95)

<readonly> snapTo :Phaser.Math.Vector2

A Vector2 containing the horizontal and vertical snap values, which the width and height are snapped to during resizing.

By default this is disabled.

This property is read-only. To change it see the setSnap method.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 141)

width :number

The width of this Size component.

This value is clamped to the range specified by minWidth and maxWidth, if enabled.

A width can never be less than zero.

Changing this value will automatically update the height if the aspect ratio lock is enabled. You can also use the setWidth and getWidth methods.

  • number
Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 664)


constrain( [width] [, height] [, fit])

The current width and height are adjusted to fit inside the given dimensions, while keeping the aspect ratio.

If fit is true there may be some space inside the target area which is not covered if its aspect ratio differs. If fit is false the size may extend further out than the target area if the aspect ratios differ.

If this Size component has a parent set, then the width and height passed to this method will be clamped so it cannot exceed that of the parent.

Name Type Argument Default Description
width number <optional>

The new width of the Size component.

height number <optional>

The new height of the Size component. If not given, it will use the width value.

fit boolean <optional>

Perform a fit (true) constraint, or an envelop (false) constraint.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 452)

This Size component instance.



Copies the aspect mode, aspect ratio, width and height from this Size component to the given Size component. Note that the parent, if set, is not copied across.

Name Type Description
destination Phaser.Structs.Size

The Size component to copy the values to.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 628)

The updated destination Size component.



Destroys this Size component.

This clears the local properties and any parent object, if set.

A destroyed Size component cannot be re-used.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 648)

envelop( [width] [, height])

The current width and height are adjusted so that they fully envelope the given dimensions, while keeping the aspect ratio.

The size may extend further out than the target area if the aspect ratios differ.

If this Size component has a parent set, then the values are clamped so that it never exceeds the parent on the longest axis.

Name Type Argument Default Description
width number <optional>

The new width of the Size component.

height number <optional>

The new height of the Size component. If not given, it will use the width value.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 542)

This Size component instance.


fitTo( [width] [, height])

The current width and height are adjusted to fit inside the given dimensions, while keeping the aspect ratio.

There may be some space inside the target area which is not covered if its aspect ratio differs.

If this Size component has a parent set, then the width and height passed to this method will be clamped so it cannot exceed that of the parent.

Name Type Argument Default Description
width number <optional>

The new width of the Size component.

height number <optional>

The new height of the Size component. If not given, it will use the width value.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 521)

This Size component instance.


getNewHeight(value [, checkParent])

Takes a new height and passes it through the min/max clamp and then checks it doesn't exceed the parent height.

Name Type Argument Default Description
value number

The value to clamp and check.

checkParent boolean <optional>

Check the given value against the parent, if set.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 427)

The modified height value.


getNewWidth(value [, checkParent])

Takes a new width and passes it through the min/max clamp and then checks it doesn't exceed the parent width.

Name Type Argument Default Description
value number

The value to clamp and check.

checkParent boolean <optional>

Check the given value against the parent, if set.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 402)

The modified width value.


resize(width [, height])

Sets a new width and height for this Size component and updates the aspect ratio based on them.

It doesn't change the aspectMode and still factors in size limits such as the min max and parent bounds.

Name Type Argument Default Description
width number

The new width of the Size component.

height number <optional>

The new height of the Size component. If not given, it will use the width.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 380)

This Size component instance.


setAspectMode( [value])

Sets the aspect mode of this Size component.

The aspect mode controls what happens when you modify the width or height properties, or call setSize.

It can be a number from 0 to 4, or a Size constant:

  1. NONE = Do not make the size fit the aspect ratio. Change the ratio when the size changes.
  2. WIDTH_CONTROLS_HEIGHT = The height is automatically adjusted based on the width.
  3. HEIGHT_CONTROLS_WIDTH = The width is automatically adjusted based on the height.
  4. FIT = The width and height are automatically adjusted to fit inside the given target area, while keeping the aspect ratio. Depending on the aspect ratio there may be some space inside the area which is not covered.
  5. ENVELOP = The width and height are automatically adjusted to make the size cover the entire target area while keeping the aspect ratio. This may extend further out than the target size.

Calling this method automatically recalculates the width and the height, if required.

Name Type Argument Default Description
value number <optional>

The aspect mode value.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 156)

This Size component instance.



Sets a new aspect ratio, overriding what was there previously.

It then calls setSize immediately using the current dimensions.

Name Type Description
ratio number

The new aspect ratio.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 361)

This Size component instance.



Sets the values of this Size component to the and height properties of the given DOM Element. The properties are set as px values.

Name Type Description
element HTMLElement

The DOM Element to set the CSS style on.

Since: 3.17.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 610)


Sets the height of this Size component.

Depending on the aspect mode, changing the height may also update the width and aspect ratio.

Name Type Description
height number

The new height of the Size component.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 580)

This Size component instance.


setMax( [width] [, height])

Set the maximum width and height values this Size component will allow.

Setting this will automatically adjust both the width and height properties to ensure they are within range.

Note that based on the aspect mode, and if this Size component has a parent set or not, the maximums set here can be exceed in some situations.

Name Type Argument Default Description
width number <optional>

The maximum allowed width of the Size component.

height number <optional>

The maximum allowed height of the Size component. If not given, it will use the width.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 276)

This Size component instance.


setMin( [width] [, height])

Set the minimum width and height values this Size component will allow.

The minimum values can never be below zero, or greater than the maximum values.

Setting this will automatically adjust both the width and height properties to ensure they are within range.

Note that based on the aspect mode, and if this Size component has a parent set or not, the minimums set here can be exceed in some situations.

Name Type Argument Default Description
width number <optional>

The minimum allowed width of the Size component.

height number <optional>

The minimum allowed height of the Size component. If not given, it will use the width.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 247)

This Size component instance.


setParent( [parent])

Sets, or clears, the parent of this Size component.

To clear the parent call this method with no arguments.

The parent influences the maximum extents to which this Size component can expand, based on the aspect mode:

NONE - The parent clamps both the width and height. WIDTH_CONTROLS_HEIGHT - The parent clamps just the width. HEIGHT_CONTROLS_WIDTH - The parent clamps just the height. FIT - The parent clamps whichever axis is required to ensure the size fits within it. ENVELOP - The parent is used to ensure the size fully envelops the parent.

Calling this method automatically calls setSize.

Name Type Argument Description
parent any <optional>

Sets the parent of this Size component. Don't provide a value to clear an existing parent.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 217)

This Size component instance.


setSize( [width] [, height])

Sets the width and height of this Size component based on the aspect mode.

If the aspect mode is 'none' then calling this method will change the aspect ratio, otherwise the current aspect ratio is honored across all other modes.

If snapTo values have been set then the given width and height are snapped first, prior to any further adjustment via min/max values, or a parent.

If minimum and/or maximum dimensions have been specified, the values given to this method will be clamped into that range prior to adjustment, but may still exceed them depending on the aspect mode.

If this Size component has a parent set, and the aspect mode is fit or envelop, then the given sizes will be clamped to the range specified by the parent.

Name Type Argument Default Description
width number <optional>

The new width of the Size component.

height number <optional>

The new height of the Size component. If not given, it will use the width.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 303)

This Size component instance.


setSnap( [snapWidth] [, snapHeight])

By setting a Snap To value when this Size component is modified its dimensions will automatically by snapped to the nearest grid slice, using floor. For example, if you have snap value of 16, and the width changes to 68, then it will snap down to 64 (the closest multiple of 16 when floored)

Note that snapping takes place before adjustments by the parent, or the min / max settings. If these values are not multiples of the given snap values, then this can result in un-snapped dimensions.

Call this method with no arguments to reset the snap values.

Calling this method automatically recalculates the width and the height, if required.

Name Type Argument Default Description
snapWidth number <optional>

The amount to snap the width to. If you don't want to snap the width, pass a value of zero.

snapHeight number <optional>

The amount to snap the height to. If not provided it will use the snapWidth value. If you don't want to snap the height, pass a value of zero.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 187)

This Size component instance.



Sets the width of this Size component.

Depending on the aspect mode, changing the width may also update the height and aspect ratio.

Name Type Description
width number

The new width of the Size component.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 563)

This Size component instance.



Returns a string representation of this Size component.

Since: 3.16.0
Source: src/structs/Size.js (Line 597)

A string representation of this Size component.
