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WeBid 1.0.6 SQL注射及修复 - 网站安全 - 自学php

来源:自学PHP网    时间:2015-04-17 11:59 作者: 阅读:

[导读] 标题: WeBid 1.0.6 SQL Injection Vulnerability作者: Life Wasted影响版本: 1.0.6,已测试,其他版本可能也影响测试系统: Linux, Windows缺陷代码:Line 53 of the ......

标题: WeBid 1.0.6 SQL Injection Vulnerability
作者: Life Wasted
影响版本: 1.0.6,已测试,其他版本可能也影响
测试系统: Linux, Windows
Line 53 of the validate.php file
Lines 198 through 202 and 234 in the includes/functions_fees.php file

validate.php?toocheckout=asdf calls the toocheckout_validate() function
toocheckout_validate() takes unsanitized post input from 2 different parameters (total and cart_order_id)
toocheckout_validate() calls callback_process() if the post parameter credit_card_processed is equal to 'Y'
The unsanitized parameters are using in an UPDATE query:
$query = "UPDATE " . $DBPrefix . "users SET balance = balance + " . $payment_amount . $addquery . " WHERE id = " . $custom_id;
This allows an attacker to retrieve data using a time-based blind injection technique or by updating a pre-existing value to the output of an embedded query.
示例, the attacker could send the following post data to extract the name of the current database. /validate.php?toocheckout=asdf
POST DATA: cart_order_id=*Attackers UserID*WEBID1&credit_card_processed=Y&total=1, name=(SELECT database())
The resulting query would be:
UPDATE users SET balance = balance + 1, name=(SELECT database()) WHERE id = *Attackers User ID*
Then the attacker could sign in to their account and view the requested data by going to the edit_data.php page  



