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[MySQL]表在线重定义-pt-online-schema-change - mysql数据

来源:自学PHP网    时间:2015-04-16 10:51 作者: 阅读:

[导读] MySQL不像Oracle本身就支持表的在线重定义,但我们可以通过开源软件percona-toolkit中的工具pt-online-schema-change进行在线重定义。官方文档:http: www percona com doc percona-toolkit 2 2 pt-online-sch...




tar -zxvf percona-toolkit-2.2.6.tar.gz


Create and alter the new table, but do not create triggers, copy data, or replace the original table.

Indicate that you have read the documentation and want to alter the table. You must specify this option to alter the table. If you do not, then the tool will only perform some safety checks and exit. This helps ensure that you have read the documentation and understand how to use this tool. If you have not read the documentation, then do not specify this option.


pt-online-schema-change --alter "modify treatment_afterday INT(4) NULL" D=portal,t=comment_expert -uroot -p*** --dry-run
Operation, tries, wait:
  copy_rows, 10, 0.25
  create_triggers, 10, 1
  drop_triggers, 10, 1
  swap_tables, 10, 1
  update_foreign_keys, 10, 1
Starting a dry run.  `portal`.`comment_expert` will not be altered.  Specify --execute instead of --dry-run to alter the table.
Creating new table...
Created new table portal._comment_expert_new OK.
Altering new table...
Altered `portal`.`_comment_expert_new` OK.
Not creating triggers because this is a dry run.
Not copying rows because this is a dry run.
Not swapping tables because this is a dry run.
Not dropping old table because this is a dry run.
Not dropping triggers because this is a dry run.
2014-01-14T13:59:08 Dropping new table...
2014-01-14T13:59:08 Dropped new table OK.


pt-online-schema-change --alter "modify treatment_afterday INT(4) NULL" D=portal,t=comment_expert -uroot -pzhujie1986 --execute
Found 1 slaves:
Will check slave lag on:
Operation, tries, wait:
  copy_rows, 10, 0.25
  create_triggers, 10, 1
  drop_triggers, 10, 1
  swap_tables, 10, 1
  update_foreign_keys, 10, 1
Altering `portal`.`comment_expert`...
Creating new table...
Created new table portal._comment_expert_new OK.
Altering new table...
Altered `portal`.`_comment_expert_new` OK.
2014-01-14T13:59:20 Creating triggers...
2014-01-14T13:59:20 Created triggers OK.
2014-01-14T13:59:20 Copying approximately 1165430 rows...
Copying `portal`.`comment_expert`:  19% 02:03 remain
Copying `portal`.`comment_expert`:  38% 01:37 remain
Copying `portal`.`comment_expert`:  55% 01:12 remain
Copying `portal`.`comment_expert`:  73% 00:44 remain
Copying `portal`.`comment_expert`:  90% 00:15 remain
2014-01-14T14:02:08 Copied rows OK.
2014-01-14T14:02:08 Swapping tables...
2014-01-14T14:02:08 Swapped original and new tables OK.
2014-01-14T14:02:08 Dropping old table...
2014-01-14T14:02:10 Dropped old table `portal`.`_comment_expert_old` OK.
2014-01-14T14:02:10 Dropping triggers...
2014-01-14T14:02:10 Dropped triggers OK.
Successfully altered `portal`.`comment_expert`.



