Yii Framework v1.1.10 绫诲弬鑰


缁ф壙 class CExtController » CController » CBaseController » CComponent
婧愯嚜 1.0
鐗堟湰 $Id: CExtController.php 3515 2011-12-28 12:29:24Z mdomba $
婧愮爜 framework/web/CExtController.php

CExtController鐨勪富瑕佺洰鐨勬槸閲嶅畾涔viewPath灞炴 浠ヨ嚧浜庡畠鑳芥寚鍚戔渧iews鈥濆瓙鐩綍瀹冨湪鍖呭惈 鎺у埗鍣ㄧ被鏂囦欢鐨勭洰褰曚笅闈€



action CAction the action currently being executed, null if no active action. CController
actionParams array Returns the request parameters that will be used for action parameter binding. CController
cachingStack CStack stack of COutputCache objects CController
clips CMap Returns the list of clips. CController
defaultAction string the name of the default action. CController
id string ID of the controller CController
layout mixed the name of the layout to be applied to this controller's views. CController
module CWebModule the module that this controller belongs to. CController
pageTitle string the page title. CController
route string the route (module ID, controller ID and action ID) of the current request. CController
uniqueId string the controller ID that is prefixed with the module ID (if any). CController
viewPath string 杩斿洖鍖呭惈杩欎釜鎺у埗鍣ㄧ殑瑙嗗浘鏂囦欢鐨勭洰褰曘 CExtController



__call() 濡傛灉绫讳腑娌℃湁璋冪殑鏂规硶鍚嶏紝鍒欒皟鐢ㄨ繖涓柟娉曘 CComponent
__construct() CController
__get() 杩斿洖涓涓睘鎬у笺佷竴涓簨浠跺鐞嗙▼搴忓垪琛ㄦ垨涓涓涓哄悕绉般 CComponent
__isset() 妫鏌ヤ竴涓睘鎬ф槸鍚︿负null銆 CComponent
__set() 璁剧疆涓涓粍浠剁殑灞炴у笺 CComponent
__unset() 璁剧疆涓涓粍浠剁殑灞炴т负null銆 CComponent
accessRules() Returns the access rules for this controller. CController
actions() Returns a list of external action classes. CController
asa() 杩斿洖杩欎釜鍚嶅瓧鐨勮涓哄璞° CComponent
attachBehavior() 闄勫姞涓涓涓哄埌缁勪欢銆 CComponent
attachBehaviors() 闄勫姞涓涓涓哄垪琛ㄥ埌缁勪欢銆 CComponent
attachEventHandler() 涓轰簨浠堕檮鍔犱竴涓簨浠跺鐞嗙▼搴忋 CComponent
beginCache() Begins fragment caching. CBaseController
beginClip() Begins recording a clip. CBaseController
beginContent() Begins the rendering of content that is to be decorated by the specified view. CBaseController
beginWidget() Creates a widget and executes it. CBaseController
behaviors() Returns a list of behaviors that this controller should behave as. CController
canGetProperty() 纭畾灞炴ф槸鍚﹀彲璇汇 CComponent
canSetProperty() 纭畾灞炴ф槸鍚﹀彲鍐欍 CComponent
clearPageStates() Removes all page states. CController
createAbsoluteUrl() Creates an absolute URL for the specified action defined in this controller. CController
createAction() Creates the action instance based on the action name. CController
createUrl() Creates a relative URL for the specified action defined in this controller. CController
createWidget() Creates a widget and initializes it. CBaseController
detachBehavior() 浠庣粍浠朵腑鍒嗙涓涓涓恒 CComponent
detachBehaviors() 浠庣粍浠朵腑鍒嗙鎵鏈夎涓恒 CComponent
detachEventHandler() 鍒嗙涓涓瓨鍦ㄧ殑浜嬩欢澶勭悊绋嬪簭銆 CComponent
disableBehavior() 绂佺敤涓涓檮鍔犺涓恒 CComponent
disableBehaviors() 绂佺敤缁勪欢闄勫姞鐨勬墍鏈夎涓恒 CComponent
enableBehavior() 鍚敤涓涓檮鍔犺涓恒 CComponent
enableBehaviors() 鍚敤缁勪欢闄勫姞鐨勬墍鏈夎涓恒 CComponent
endCache() Ends fragment caching. CBaseController
endClip() Ends recording a clip. CBaseController
endContent() Ends the rendering of content. CBaseController
endWidget() Ends the execution of the named widget. CBaseController
evaluateExpression() 璁$畻涓涓狿HP琛ㄨ揪寮忥紝鎴栨牴鎹粍浠朵笂涓嬫枃鎵ц鍥炶皟銆 CComponent
filterAccessControl() The filter method for 'accessControl' filter. CController
filterAjaxOnly() The filter method for 'ajaxOnly' filter. CController
filterPostOnly() The filter method for 'postOnly' filter. CController
filters() Returns the filter configurations. CController
forward() Processes the request using another controller action. CController
getAction() 杩斿洖the action currently being executed, null if no active action. CController
getActionParams() Returns the request parameters that will be used for action parameter binding. CController
getCachingStack() 杩斿洖stack of COutputCache objects CController
getClips() Returns the list of clips. CController
getEventHandlers() 杩斿洖涓涓簨浠剁殑闄勫姞澶勭悊绋嬪簭鍒楄〃銆 CComponent
getId() 杩斿洖ID of the controller CController
getLayoutFile() Looks for the layout view script based on the layout name. CController
getModule() 杩斿洖the module that this controller belongs to. It returns null if the controller does not belong to any module CController
getPageState() Returns a persistent page state value. CController
getPageTitle() 杩斿洖the page title. Defaults to the controller name and the action name. CController
getRoute() 杩斿洖the route (module ID, controller ID and action ID) of the current request. CController
getUniqueId() 杩斿洖the controller ID that is prefixed with the module ID (if any). CController
getViewFile() Looks for the view file according to the given view name. CController
getViewPath() 杩斿洖鍖呭惈杩欎釜鎺у埗鍣ㄧ殑瑙嗗浘鏂囦欢鐨勭洰褰曘 CExtController
hasEvent() 纭畾涓涓簨浠舵槸鍚﹀畾涔夈 CComponent
hasEventHandler() 妫鏌ヤ簨浠舵槸鍚︽湁闄勫姞鐨勫鐞嗙▼搴忋 CComponent
hasProperty() 纭畾灞炴ф槸鍚﹁瀹氫箟銆 CComponent
init() Initializes the controller. CController
invalidActionParams() This method is invoked when the request parameters do not satisfy the requirement of the specified action. CController
isCachingStackEmpty() Returns whether the caching stack is empty. CController
missingAction() Handles the request whose action is not recognized. CController
processDynamicOutput() Postprocesses the dynamic output. CController
processOutput() Postprocesses the output generated by render(). CController
raiseEvent() 鍙戣捣涓涓簨浠躲 CComponent
recordCachingAction() Records a method call when an output cache is in effect. CController
redirect() Redirects the browser to the specified URL or route (controller/action). CController
refresh() Refreshes the current page. CController
render() Renders a view with a layout. CController
renderClip() Renders a named clip with the supplied parameters. CController
renderDynamic() Renders dynamic content returned by the specified callback. CController
renderDynamicInternal() This method is internally used. CController
renderFile() Renders a view file. CBaseController
renderInternal() Renders a view file. CBaseController
renderPartial() Renders a view. CController
renderText() Renders a static text string. CController
resolveViewFile() Finds a view file based on its name. CController
run() Runs the named action. CController
runAction() Runs the action after passing through all filters. CController
runActionWithFilters() Runs an action with the specified filters. CController
setAction() 璁剧疆the action currently being executed. CController
setPageState() Saves a persistent page state value. CController
setPageTitle() 璁剧疆the page title. CController
setViewPath() 璁剧疆鍖呭惈杩欎釜鎺у埗鍣ㄧ殑瑙嗗浘鏂囦欢鐨勭洰褰曘 CExtController
widget() Creates a widget and executes it. CBaseController



afterAction() This method is invoked right after an action is executed. CController
afterRender() This method is invoked after the specified is rendered by calling render(). CController
beforeAction() This method is invoked right before an action is to be executed (after all possible filters.) CController
beforeRender() This method is invoked at the beginning of render(). CController
createActionFromMap() Creates the action instance based on the action map. CController
loadPageStates() Loads page states from a hidden input. CController
replaceDynamicOutput() Replaces the dynamic content placeholders with actual content. CController
savePageStates() Saves page states as a base64 string. CController


viewPath 灞炴
public string getViewPath()
public void setViewPath(string $value)

杩斿洖鍖呭惈杩欎釜鎺у埗鍣ㄧ殑瑙嗗浘鏂囦欢鐨勭洰褰曘 杩欎釜鏂规硶閫氳繃鎸囧畾瑙嗗浘璺緞鍒 鈥渧iews鈥濆瓙鐩綍瑕嗙洊鐖剁被瀹炵幇锛 鈥渧iews鈥濆瓙鐩綍鍦ㄥ寘鍚帶鍒跺櫒绫绘枃浠剁殑鐩綍涓嬮潰銆


getViewPath() 鏂规硶
public string getViewPath()
{return} string 鍖呭惈杩欎釜鎺у埗鍣ㄧ殑瑙嗗浘鏂囦欢鐨勭洰褰曘
婧愮爜锛 framework/web/CExtController.php#37 (鏄剧ず)
public function getViewPath()
$class=new ReflectionClass(get_class($this));

杩斿洖鍖呭惈杩欎釜鎺у埗鍣ㄧ殑瑙嗗浘鏂囦欢鐨勭洰褰曘 杩欎釜鏂规硶閫氳繃鎸囧畾瑙嗗浘璺緞鍒 鈥渧iews鈥濆瓙鐩綍瑕嗙洊鐖剁被瀹炵幇锛 鈥渧iews鈥濆瓙鐩綍鍦ㄥ寘鍚帶鍒跺櫒绫绘枃浠剁殑鐩綍涓嬮潰銆

setViewPath() 鏂规硶
public void setViewPath(string $value)
$value string 鍖呭惈杩欎釜鎺у埗鍣ㄧ殑瑙嗗浘鏂囦欢鐨勭洰褰曘
婧愮爜锛 framework/web/CExtController.php#50 (鏄剧ず)
public function setViewPath($value)

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